Posted in random, with pictures

Some pictures throughout the semester

Alhamdulillah! I managed to secure another part time teaching job. This time it is at Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology. It is very far though! But for this short semester, I managed to secure the days on the same day with my UNIKL classes- that is on Monday and Tuesday! The journey from TAR UMT to UNIKL is about 20 minutes- so it’s not too burdensome. It’s really actually a sweet arrangement. Both unis are located in KL.. so from USJ to KL and KL to USJ, the journey is indeed challenging- especially in the evenings 😦 But, I am very thankful nonetheless.

As seen in the pictures above, very soon my time with them will come to an end. Alhamdulillah for the memories and most definitely the opportunity to get to know them. I have my share of challenges with these kids. And they are of two very different kinds- UNIKL and USIM. It is mentally and emotionally exhausting to deal with two sets of kids. and then I have a new set of kids- TAR UMT.. so far they seem of the USIM kind but we never know.. they may change… >_<

I am still struggling internally with my personal teaching style. I feel like I am not reaching out to the students effectively. I wish there was something inside of me that can come out of my comfort zone and just be able to teach and impart my lessons effectively. I think I am so obsessed with my pedagogy dilemma. It’s put me in a rut because I should be doing something about improving my teaching methodology but here I am still wondering and pondering about what is lacking with me and my teaching style. I read on teaching methodologies and I try to find a lot of inspiration online. But it does get overwhelming with the amount of information and then the need to adjust those lessons to fit my lessons. All that takes up time and energy.. something i dont really have much of lately.

Anyhow.. i’ll stop here cause I need to get back to my work. Hope to write soon on this blog!