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CCFM 2061 and TAR UMT coming to a close.. IIUM Academy still on going..

So, I managed to secure a spot with IIUM and TAR UMT. it was hectic, me travelling from Dengkil to Setapak and Gombak. I have been working for 6 days and soon it will end. I am grateful for the opportunity despite my mental and emotional exhaustion. well, i had to do what i had to..

currently, i am on going with IIUM Academy. I feel so happy to be back with IIUM. I feel so happy because i get to work with my ex colleagues from Gambang. I am not directly in touch with them but the lessons that I am teaching are directly from Gambang. so that’s just lovely!

i hope to be more aggressive this coming year -2024. I want to be more aggressive in looking for more part time jobs. I am still not ready to work full time. I had a brief experience working full time despite being paid as a part timer that is with ASASI Tesl UITM DENGKIL. i do not miss working full time- 40 hours per week. but i realize that i miss very much the company of work colleagues and the routine of seeing the same people everyday. although there was a small event that triggered me (was giving me post divorce trauma), most of the time my routine at work was more less the same. i was acutely aware of the things that ticked the heck out of me but i was also acutely aware of the things that made me happy. i cant continue with UITM for now because i really need to earn more.

i enjoy my time with my students at TAR UMT. i was emotional when i returned to the campus. i guess the first time i got to work at TAR UMT was a time when i really needed money (nov 2022).

CCFM 2061 is a challenging course. It’s a course on family management. i am a work in progress with this course. i have doubts of myself with this course. i also have doubts with the contents of the course. but i am okay with it and i mostly just roll with it. luckily i have friends that are super helpful and supportive so going through this course isn’t so scary. the kids that are in my session are also extremely great. they have shared their vulnerabilities and doubts and hopes in class. i should tell them that they have more of an impact on me than i do on them. They are making me rethink my role as a mother and woman too.. and i think that’s great. the reflection requires me to keep on check with my inner demons.. it’s exhausting but i guess it is a necessary part of inner growth.

i cant wait to share more pictures of my students..

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semester is coming to an end..

My semester with IIUM Academy and UNIKL Business school is coming to an end.. oh the exhaustion!

Some pictures for posterity!

talk show by Level 6 – they were so good. they even went live on IG and they had friends commenting and giving support! the research they made for their content was also very good. so proud of their effort!
these are some of the girls from my UNIKL Foundation business students! Completely ONLINE >_<